Thunderhill is coming !
There nothing like racing in the desert in December. There nothing else really like it. Going from dry and hot to seriously cold in the night makes for quite an experience. Its something you have to try to really embrace it. But that is racing. And Thunderhill gives you a whole 25 hours of it. 11am to 12 noon the next day. No matter if you are sponsored team or just a private team or shop, everyone respects Thunderhill and defiantly has a lot of fun. Of course the winning team will always be sponsored, heavily funded car with a large, experienced team but there is a lot to take away from Thunderhill. This is a challenging course and with the extreme weather and track conditions it really challenges every driver.

Most people will be impressed by the Porsches and many BMWs that come out this event on a regular basis. There are also a lot of smaller and less funded teams. Mazda Miata is defiantly a favourite car at this track and there were quite a few of them present in 2009. A few Mazda RX7s and Factory Five cars as well. Hopefully this year there will be more BMW E9x M3s and more competative BMWs that can take on the Porsche 996s and 997s. The lead Porsche won by a staggering 22 laps in 2009. A huge margin in any race even if it is 25 hours long. The car was basically trouble free and very fast the entire race. Second and third place were Porsches as well. Here are the results from last year : http://www.nasaproracing.com/results/norcal.html?mylaps=type,run,runid,1379612

SEE ALL THE PICS on the new Youtube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3S5vAHAnUU
See all the important info for Thunderhill here --> http://www.nasa25hour.com/
and here --> http://www.thunderhill.com/
More pics here --> http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=164669&id=102793526753&ref=mf
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